Discovering the Secrets of the Contemptible Bulls

The Bull’s

*Holds your heart close to keep it broken*

Contemptible people

Loved because of greed

They give you creeple

Drowning in wealth

While the others turn purple

They spread out and leave

While the others remain in a hurdle

Drowning in grieve

Bound by chains in a kernel

Writing a journal

Hoping not to Rot

Rot away confused

Lost, forgotten, no new smart

To leave still abused

Your light was smart

Locked in your kernel unbruised

Leaves you confused

The Bulls use scent

Smelling out all ignorance

The others think its meant

They chat in conference

Never realizing its an arrangement

All ending in nonsense

Its time for embracement

Follow your sequence

It may sound belligerent

Keeping you in defense

Don’t remain incompetent

Look back pretense

And you will see

The Bulls haven’t been for you or me.

The end

Unveiling the Power of Feces in Language and Art

I wanted to research a word that would help me find something I needed. I typed merde but it shoulda been meroe. But before I tell how I knew it was a message, for about 2 days I thought how would a person learn language or a way to speak. I’ve been in hieroglyph and studing different languages. How to rhetorical speak and more, so much more.

Then yesterday my oldest daughter and I saw my youngest (son) playing in his feces. She said, “That’s so nasty, mom get him.” Now I told her how feces serve a major role in everythings growth. Now as we talked about it I said my question out loud to her. We had a conversation about how maybe early civilization started language and art(not once mentioning feces) so I missed the message yesterday. But today I seen the message eyes wide open, mind clear, ears ready to hear me read.

I was thinking about this because how would you write and draw and make language for a future civilization? Now the question about what arche civilization used was answered today 1 January 2025, around about well I don’t remember the time for when I asked but I received my answer 1 January 2025 @6:00–6:20.

At 6 I thought about the word, I typed merde and Sh*t came up in place for merde. So I said baby girl look why this pop up when I typed merde. She laughed and said, “well mom you have been talking about that word a lot.” Then I said well let me read.

The image I was looking for will be shared shortly. As I was reading I came across contemptible person. Contemptible (adj.) deserving contempt; despicable. With all I’ve been learning so much went through my head.

Like a big bang of creativity to enhance my own knowledge in understanding what I am reading with different words I could use to sound as if I am learning something. I am a genius as are you☺️.

Without you, me, we AI wouldn’t exist. A message answers more then one question for you. So be aware that when you do become aware, remember all the questions you asked about. It will help with clarity in a transparent manner.

So after I wrote the poem, I had my daughter read it. She loved it. Then my mind light bulb came on and my eyes got water. I was like I was thanking the universe with emotions because I seen at that moment it was answering me. Man, it feels good y’all.

The universe answered my question in less than 24 hours when I said it out loud and even had a conversation about it (genuine conversation). So the way they did this we would never find the blueprint from the first civilization because it was washed away.

Message Answer

The answer was feces. Feces invented language and art. So this means that feces created and creates all we see. This is cool, right? So it keeps us healthy (balanced) and brings joy and knowledge. Yet we think its the most nastiest thing on earth besides a pedophile. Pounder on that for a minute.

I hope this message helps you as much as it helped me. This profanity feces, defecate, diarrhea and shite is phenomenal and should be given the respect its due.

Embrace Your Journey to Self-Discovery with YROTS

A private group

Now, a community is waiting on amazing people like you, to share, learn and grow together as one. So don’t hesitate any longer and join YROTS. Start your journey to self discovery. It may hurt, but the journey will be worth it. Think about it “Y Rest On True Stories” join YROTS and reach the stars in no time because remember time is an illusion. Get to the stars, lay on the clouds and embrace all of YOU!

With love,

Lakreeshia Walton ™️


Here, we celebrate the power of individuality. Life's challenges often cause us to neglect the care we freely give to others. But that stops today. It's time to love ourselves with the same passion we show to those around us. Our cups need refilling too—because an empty cup eventually dries, rusts, and cracks. The same goes for your magic mirror; when you stop seeking inspiration within, its shine begins to fade.

At Yrots, our mission is to ignite inspiration, embrace accountability, and above all, cultivate self-love. Together, we rise, thrive, and grow!


Life is Like A Box of Blocks -By Lakreeshia Walton